‘Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.’

Matthew 19:14

Program for K-2 during Sunday 10:30 AM Mass

St. Patrick offers Children’s Liturgy of the Word, a short program offered at the Sunday 10:30 AM Mass that shares God’s message with children from kindergarten through second grade (ages 5 – 8) in a way that engages with them on their level.

The children will gather in the Parish Center during the readings, Gospel, and homily. Each session will last 15 – 20 minutes and will be led by ministry coordinator Cheryl Gach and her assistants. Volunteers are needed to serve as ministry assistants and classroom aids. 

No pre-registration is needed, and there is no fee. Please call the parish office at 630-553-6671 to volunteer.